Making a permanent lifestyle change, regular physical activity, feeling great and achieving more effortlessly should be fun and we'll show you how by making a permanent paradigm shift in how you approach your wellness and conditioning goals. Inviting joy, well-being and accomplishment into your life can be exciting and incredibly rewarding. Let us coach you to finding the inner wisdom that will take you there while providing the foundational framework for ensuring you do. Successful Personal Training is part art, part science and relies on a great partnership where client and trainer both learn from each other.
Holistic Health, Wellness and Conditioning invites not just a change and improvement in the foundation principles of physical well-being, appearance, strength, athleticism and vitality but also includes wellness in the areas of empowered emotional and mental wellness. We have programs and services available to meet you where you are, address where you want to go and help you design a program that fits with your particular needs, values and goals.
We emphasize making lifestyle changes that are realistic and permanent while simultaneously uncovering and changing your known and hidden self-limiting beliefs. Communication and education play key roles in understanding the importance of balance, well-being, lifestyle, self-awareness and physical activities required to achieve your goals.
Let Patrick and Jackie Cross show you where to start and how to follow through.